The most important thing is that you live a long and healthy life.
How much would you pay for a chance to stop diabetes. $10,000, $5,000? How much would save if you didn't have to buy medication that causes damage to your body? How much time would you save if you didn't have to go to the doctor or pharmacy? How does it feel to get the bill for a trip to the emergency room because of a complication resulting from your diabetes? You could save thousands of dollars if you didn't suffer from diabetes anymore. That is why you need to start now!
The information you will get is extremely valuable, but it may be difficult to follow the plan. It is very hard to give in to temptation of Coke, Doritos, Donuts, and other junk food. Imagine how it would feel like if you no longer have cravings for junk food. How much money would you save if you didn't need the caffeine boost from Starbucks.
Why do things the hard way when there is an easier way?